Mental Health in Eastern Countries


Photo by Fernando @dearferdo on Unsplash

A 35 Years old man is brought to the ER

not in an ambulance but an auto-rickshaw,

It was a suicidal attempt

trying to intoxicate himself with a rodenticide,

The family arrives and consults but

slams the diagnosis, says the son is not crazy,

Severe depressive episode and its somatic pain

the long conversation but the outcome was nil,

Nothing changed and nothing done, the referral was denied

with no option left, the physician had to discharge him after the acute threats,

Not enough support from the family and no fresh air

left inside a room to avoid the interaction with the community,

Without the needed multimodal treatment and just opposite measures in the room

the suicidal attempt re-happened,

This time it was too late, the family found

and the innocent man had a preventable death.
